Saturday, 25 January 2025

Solar Energy

This page presents works performed by Eng. Matthew Matimbwi in the areas of solar technologies. Eng. Matimbwi has been providing services of feasibility study, project planning and design, proposal development, fundraising, contractor procurement, installation and quality control, end-user education, and community awareness raising.

Solar Photovoltaic System for Maternity Ward: Mkomaindo District Hospital, Masasi Tanzania


Mkomaindo District Hospital which is located in Masasi Town experiences frequent and long grid outages. The unreliability of the grid electricity supply resulted in challenges to Mkomaindo District Hospital in medical service provision. The maternity ward is one of the departments negatively affected by the grid outage when there is a need to take care of underweight-born children and when there is an obstructive case.

Masasi Town Council in partnership with Landratsamt Enzkreis (German District) and Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) installed a solar photovoltaic system in December 2024 for the maternity ward at Mkomaindo District Hospital. The installed solar system consists of a solar array of 13.75 kWp; a battery of 86.4 kWh; and a combi inverter of 12kVA.

The maternity ward staff of Mkomaindo District Hospital were trained on the proper use of the solar system to ensure no mistake happens in using the solar system. The training enabled the staff members to understand the basics of a solar photovoltaic system, the limits of loading the system, and what to do when the solar system's electricity goes off.

The maternity ward was installed with the energy management appliances of photocell switches and motion sensors. 

The availability of solar photovoltaic electricity for the maternity ward will ensure safe motherhood in Masasi District as Mkomaindo District Hospital is still a strategic health facility in the district.

Some members of the staff own private solar home systems. They witnessed the training to benefit their families.

The German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development provided finance through Engagement Global gGmbH and Landratsamt Enzkreis.

Matthew Matimbwi played the role of consultant in the process of solar system development and training.

Warm Water for the Female High School Students of Emmaberg Girls’ School, Tanzania


Matthew Matimbwi supported the planning and implementation of the project to provide hot water and sustainable electricity for lighting to the girls of Emmaberg Girls High School in Makambako, Njombe, Tanzania

The project intervened in the challenges of unreliable water supply, unavailability of hot water for showers and unavailability of lights in the dormitories when the national grid electricity failed. The project was realized in the partnership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania-Southern Diocese (ELCT-SD) and SchuPa Tansania e.V The project was financed by SchuPa and Bavaria State Chancellery of Germany.

The school had been experiencing unreliable and costly water supply. The water was being pumped from a borehole using national grid electricity. The school experiences frequent, long and uninformed power outages. When there was a power cut, students had to collect water from the river which is also used by cattle. The water caused skin and abdominal diseases. Urinary tract infections (UTI) cases were common. The food preparation in the kitchen was being delayed due to the untimely delivery of water. In the evening, students had to stay in the darkness in the dormitories.

The school is located in a cold region. During the winter, the temperature goes down to 4 Celsius Degree. Since it was expensive to heat shower water using electricity or firewood, most of the girls avoided showers for up to a month.

The partners developed a project “Warm Water for the Female High School Students of Emmaberg Girls’ School, Tanzania”. The project results were as follows.

a)        Project Outputs

The immediate results of the project were as follows.
i)          The new 4m high water tower was constructed.
ii)         Water tank capacity increased from 10m3 to 30m3.
iii)        Solar PV plant 7.2kW replaced national grid at 100% for water pump.
iv)        Water efficient use and energy management devices    (pump dry-run sensor and 
tank-overflow controls) installed in the water system.

v)        2 solar water heaters for showers 1,500 litres and 2,700 litres installed.

vi)        2 solar photovoltaic systems 0.9kWp and 1.8kWp for dormitories lighting

vii)       10 teachers trained in solar systems maintenance.
viii)      200 students sensitized on renewable energy and best practices of using solar 
systems and 15 students trained for the Students’ Solar Service Team.

b)        Project Outcomes

The intermediate results of the project are as follows.
i)          Water supply is efficient, reliable, clean and uninterrupted.
ii)         The school is not spending money on water pumping electricity bills.
iii)        Girls access hot water for showering.
iv)        Girls have reliable and free electricity for lighting in the dormitories.
v)         The school has got solar maintenance team in place.
vi)        Students are aware of the potential of renewable energy.
vii)       The school has a solar service team, and
viii)      The number of girls enrolment is increasing.

c)     Project Impacts

The expected long-term project results are as follows.
i)          Girls’ academic performance increased.
ii)         Girls live healthy.
iii)        School enrolment increased to the maximum capacity.
iv)        The school contributed to the climate change trend reverse by avoiding the

22,378 KgCO2eq/year through using water heaters, and 445,442 KgCO2eq/year,

for pumping water using solar photovoltaics.  

v) School financially stable. 

Girls witnessed a change in their quality of life as a result of the project. The following were the witnesses of the girls.
i)          Hygiene has increased as girls have chances to take showers at a minimum of

two times a day.
ii)         UTI and abdominal diseases have diminished as water is safe.
iii)        Time for study has increased due to avoidance of duties of boiling shower water

and fetching water from the river.


Further, students are aware of the potential of renewable energy in ensuring sustainable development. Students are also aware that cutting bills of electricity for pumping water and lighting for dormitories to zero, will stabilize the school fees.

A project of this kind is the first one in size in Tanzania, supplying a minimum of 4,200 litres of hot water for showers for the academic institution, to be implemented in mainland Tanzania.


Tumaini Lutheran Seminary (TLS) in Malinyi, Morogoro Region, which is owned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church-Tanzania, Ulanga Kilombero Diocese, offers secondary school education and Bible knowledge training. Secondary School has a high level of Form IV. It has already educated youth who are now serving the nations, to mention a few sectors: religion, engineering, medicine and financing. The Bible School trains Evangelists who are sent out to serve parishes. TLS is connected to the national grid.

On the 12th of August 2023, Rotary Club-Airport Munich commissioned two solar photovoltaic systems at Tumaini Lutheran Seminary. The decision to install solar photovoltaic solar systems came after TANESCO failed to supply stable and reliable electricity. The first solar photovoltaic system [Modules 6.6kWp; MPPT Controller 250/85; Battery 1360Ah/48V; and Inverter-Charger 8kVA/48] powers the administration block, dining hall and internet computer laboratory. The second solar photovoltaic system [Modules 3.3kWp; Controller 60A/12-48V; Battery 600Ah/48V; and Inverter-Charger 5kVA/48V] powers 2 laboratories and 6 classrooms.

In addition to the installation of solar photovoltaic systems, Rotary Club-Airport Munich installed 10 ports of the Internet computer library to enable students to access the updated learning materials.

The second phase of installation will enable the rest of the buildings at the seminary to use solar photovoltaic energy.

Matthew Matimbwi is participating in this project as a volunteering consultant with his German Colleague Rainer Schacht.

Preiswerk Girls Secondary School, owned by Moravian Church in Tanzania Eastern Province, located in Ifakara, offering education to disadvantaged girls, received a solar photovoltaic water pump from URBIS Foundation of Bayern in Germany through the Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA).  The solar photovoltaic pump replaces a worn-out diesel generator.

Girls had challenges resulting from the lack of reliable water supply. Girls had to fetch water from the stream which was not safe and the practice exposed the girls to the danger of attack by the crocodiles. The girls suffered often from stomach diseases. The hygiene of the girls was poor.

The availability of water from the solar photovoltaic water pump has increased the hygiene of the girls and eradicated stomach diseases. Girls are now growing vegetables and planting trees.

The installation of the 2.24kWp solar photovoltaic water pumping system had an environmental impact of saving 14,086KgCO2.

Preiswerk Girls Secondary School, owned by Moravian Church in Tanzania Eastern Province, located in Ifakara, offering education to disadvantaged girls, received a 1.28kWp solar photovoltaic system from URBIS Foundation of Bayern in Germany through Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA). The availability of electricity will improve the quality of living and learning environment of the girls.

Matthew  Matimbwi played roles in system design, proposal writing, and project realization.


Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) and Italian partner Microfinanza Associazione e Sviluppo Onlus have facilitated the installation of a 2.16kWp solar photovoltaic system at the off-grid Igawa Secondary School, Malinyi, Tanzania. The solar installation was commissioned on 26/8/2019. The installation serves 482 secondary school students.

All works were done under the technical support of Matthew Matimbwi

30 Jul 2019.
Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) launched female solar artisans training. The first batch was trained in Njombe Town attracting girls from regions of Mbeya, Njombe, Songwe and Ruvuma. Each girl was offered a toolbox full of basic tools for working in solar photovoltaic technology and being connected to retailers. 

Thanks to German Friends of URBIS Foundation that had extended their financial contribution to the program. The training was implemented by Matthew Matimbwi

Sisters of St. Ann of Luzern that are running Ipuli Catholic Mission Hospital in Tabora Municipality commissioned a 23.04kWp solar photovoltaic power backup system on 17 July, 2019. To improve the efficiency in the energy use, Sisters of St. Ann replaced all conventional tube lights with energy saving bulbs. In addition, sisters installed 7 split units of solar street lights to improve the security in the hospital compound.

In realizing the project, Sisters of St. Ann of Luzern were offered consultancy service by Matthew Matimbwi.

Promoting Secondary Education in Malinyi, Tanzania
Matthew Matimbwi in cooperation with Catholic Diocese of Mahenge installed a solar photovoltaic system at VITIRA Secondary School in Malinyi for improving quality of learning. The installation of 1.68kW was done in February, 2019.

Solar system supplies electricity for lighting, laboratories and use of Information and Communication Technology equipment.

VICOBA Solar Revolving Fund  in Malinyi
31 January, 2019
Matthew Matimbwi through Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) and Italian partner Microfinanza and project Solar Finance4All, has implemented a solar revolving fund in Malinyi. 420 families benefited from the program.  14 VICOBAs from the villages of: Malinyi; Kipingo; Makerere; Mchangani and Lugala benefited through the program.
Training of solar artisans - Ifakara
10-14 December, 2018
Matthew Matimbwi trained 5 solar artisans in installation and maintenance in Ifakara. The activity was the part of project of installing 14.5kW solar power backup system at Mahenge District Hospital. The training attracted participants from: Ulanga District Council; Evangelical Church-Ulanga Kilombero Diocese; Edgar Maranta School of Nursing; and Congregation of Franciscan Sisters of Charity.

Thanks for the financial support from UNDP and SolidarMed.
Using solar energy to promote education in Malinyi
October, 2018 to January, 2019
Matthew Matimbwi is working with Catholic Diocese of Mahenge to install solar systems at the secondary schools in Malinyi. The cooperation will benefit schools of St. Piu Secondary School and VITIRA Secondary School.

St. Piu Secondary School is already installed with 1.2kW solar system. The in January, 2019 VITIRA Secondary School will be installed with solar system of the same capacity.

The availability of electricity will enable students to pursue science subjects and have extra hours of learning in the evening.
Solar installation at St. Piu

Enabling girls of Malinyi accessing quality education
October, 2018
Matthew Matimbwi through TAREA mobilized a support of installing 900kW solar photovoltaic system at Kipingo Secondary School to supply electricity to the girls' dormitory. The solar system was installed by local artisans of AMBASE Solar Technicians Group.

Electricity will provide light improving living and learning environments to the girls. Thanks to the support of URBIS Foundation of Munich, Germany.
Connecting end of the mile-Malinyi, Tanzania
January to December, 2018
Eng. Matthew Josephat Matimbwi through Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) and Associazione Microfinanza E Sviluppo Onlus (AMS)-Italy with financial support from Waldensian Evangelical Church-Italy and The Autonomous Province of Trento-Italy provided solar lights and connected community of Malinyi to the internet using solar photovoltaic technology.

The activities that have been realized in Malinyi are providing solar lights to Malinyi Bus Stand and Market Place, supplying solar electricity to Malinyi and Kipingo Secondary Schools, connecting to the internet Malinyi Teachers' Resource Centre (5 computers and solar photovoltaic system), provision of chairs to the primary schools of: Malinyi; Nawigo; and Makugira and training of 5 young people in solar photovoltaic technology installation and maintenance.

Installation of solar street light at bus stand
The solar street lights at Malinyi bus stand increased security to the passengers that spend overnight waiting for travelling, increased hygiene as there was a practice of urinating around in the night and increased the quality of business environment to the women food vendors.

Market solar lights
Market solar lights provide opportunity of increased working hours at the marketplace to 2 hours beyond the sunset; increased security of products left overnight at the market; and hygiene.

Solar photovoltaic systems at Kipingo and Malinyi secondary schools
Solar systems at the schools have contributed to the increase of the school performance as students can have opportunity of learning in the extended time in the evening and there is increased security around the school environment.

Internet for teachers' resource centre
Solar plant installed to supply electricity to five desk top computers and internet modem provides access to the teachers accessing information online. It will help teachers increase their knowledge and enable fast communication.

Chairs to 3 primary schools
84 chairs have been distributed to the 3 primary schools of Makugira, Malinyi and Nawigo. The chairs were provided to reduce the deficit of school chairs that existed in the village of Malinyi.

Solar lights for the households
Malinyi is connected to national grid. It is the fact that not all households are able to connect to the grid. Even those who are able to connect to the national grid are not yet connected. Project enables those families not yet connected, through VICOBA, to replace kerosene lanterns to improve the living environment and provide possibility of children studying at home in the evening.

The above achievement had been realized in the period of  2014-2017.

New project Finance 4 Sustainable Energy has been launched for the period of 2018-2020

Realizing Zanzibar RE & EE Program-Training Component

April, 2018
Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar has received the financial support to implement the program of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. The aim of the project is to increase the independence of Zanzibar in accessing modern energy and increasing efficient energy use through the harnessing sources of renewable energy mainly solar and wind.

Eng. Matthew Matimbwi through MWH SA/NV of Brussels, Belgium has been implementing training and learning process component. The work is being done from August, 2016 to June, 2018. The work consisted conducting the study on the training need assessment, development of training modules and implementation.

The topics that have been managed by Eng. Matthew Matimbwi are:

  • Training on the basics of solar PV, wind technologies and energy efficiency to the local authorities planners and decision makers
  • Study tour and mentor in Tanzania Mainland
  • Study tour and mentor in Kigali, Rwanda
  • Economic benefits of employing renewable energy technologies in businesses
  • Training of public and private solar technicians on the solar photovoltaic technology including street light maintenance
  • Training of vocational trainers on solar photovoltaic technology
  • Training on renewable energy tariff modules and management of PPA
  • Training on the renewable energy agreements negotiation skills and contracting
  • Training on assessing developer proposals of wind and solar photovoltaic technologies
Solar PV for Tanganyika Masagati Dispensary
Lutheran Church Diocese of Ulanga-Kilombero owns Tanganyika Masagati Dispensary that is cared by Lugala Lutheran District Designated Hospital. Tanganyika Masagati Dispensary is located in Kilombero District, Morogoro region in Tanzania. It is in the off-grid remote area, 70km from the possible grid connection point. The dispensary did not have electricity as economy of the customers could not enable the  use of petrol generator.

In November, 2016, with support from Power4Africa (Germany), Solarworld (Germany) and USAID, dispensary was installed with solar photovoltaic system of 1.7kW.

Solar photovoltaic system at Tanganyika Masagati supplies electricity to the medical service building and 3 staff houses. Members of staff are no longer feeling isolated as they can watch televisions and have reliable and safe light. Dispensary has improved its service as it can use electronic equipment for diagnosis.

Eng. Matimbwi supported the process of planning and fund raising.

Solar PV Powering Library at Lugala Nursing School
SolidarMed, a Swiss NGO supporting health service at Lugala Lutheran Hospital, has financed upgrade of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System installed at  Lugala Nursing School that is powering electronic library. The first installed Solar PV was of the capacity 0.98kW. The system has been upgraded to the solar generator of the capacity 1.96kW. Other parts installed were Surrette deep cycle batteries 210Ah/12V*8, Charge controllers with meters 45A/12-48Vdc*2, and pure Sine Wave charger/inverter 2000VA/12Vdc/230Vac.

The Solar PV System is an off-grid powering 25 workstations in the library. Students can access internet without interruption. The Solar Photovoltaic System was commissioned in May, 2016.  

Eng. Matthew Matimbwi supported with planning, design, implementation of sustainability strategies and verification of the technical specifications.
Solar Street Lights-Mnazi Moja Zanzibar
06 March, 2016
City of Potsdam, Germany, supported Zanzibar Municipality to install solar street lights along Nyerere Road to lighten a part of Mnazi Moja Garden. The aim of installing the solar street lights was to improve the security of people who visit the referal hospital of Mnazi Moja.

Eng. Matthew Matimbwi played the roles of system planning, design, finance planning, contractor procurement and verification of the conformation to the technical specifications.

System specifications: Solar photovoltaic generator 2.4kW, Sine wave inverter 1.2kVA, Charge controller T45 45A 24V*3, battery bank 210Ah/12V*8, 13 LED lights with photo switch.

3.36kW Solar PV at Edgar Maranta School of Nursing-Ifakara
15 December, 2015
Edgar Maranta School of Nursing that is owned by Catholic Diocese of Ifakara is connected to the national grid. The power supply from the national grid is not reliable. The learning process at the school was being interrupted as the grid went off often.

School opted to install solar photovoltaic system to ensure stable supply of electricity. In order to increase efficient use of energy, the conventional tube lights and bulbs were replaced by energy saving lamps.

Eng. Matthew Matimbwi supported the process of developing the solar system through planning, designing and developing proposal. Fund raising was done by the School Principal through Diocesan Bishop. At last, Eng. Matimbwi supported the project with verification of the contractor to the conformation of the technical specifications. The system was commissioned in December, 2015.

The solar photovoltaic system was installed through a financial support from BEGECA.

The project has ensured availability of electricity and increased energy use efficiency. The cost of electricity bills from national utility has decreased.

Speaking at the International Conference 4th Global Off-Grid Lighting Conference, Dubai

26-29 October, 2015
Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) with which Eng. Matimbwi cooperates, conducted International Off-Grid Lighting Conference in Dubai in United Arabs of Emirates (UAE).

The conference was called to network solar off-grid lighting actors and discuss various subjects aiming at scaling up access to the off-grid lighting technologies.

Mnazi Mmoja Garden Zanzibar Solar Street Lights

June-December, 2015
City of Potsdam in Germany has a partnership with Town of Zanzibar. City of Potsdam supports Town of Zanzibar with a project of installing solar street light at Mnazi Mmoja garden along Nyerere Road. A total of 13 lights will be installed to increase security for people who visit Mnazi Mmoja Hospital in the evening.

Solar project at Malinyi Village

December 2014 - November, 2015
The project "Solar promotion at Malinyi Village, Tanzania" was implemented. The project was financially supported by Waldensian Evangelical Church-Italy through Associazione Microfinanza E. Sviluppo Onlus-Italy.
The project activities consisted of training of 5 youth from Malinyi village on the solar photovoltaic installation, conduction of workshop to 60 community leaders on the potential of solar photovoltaic technology, installation of 3 street lights at Malinyi Market Place, and conduction of public awareness rising event on the potentials of solar photovoltaic technologies. Details

Future perspectives of the project are to establish solar revolving fund through VICOBA and installation of solar photovoltaic systems for the Malinyi dispensary and girls' dormitory at Kipingo Secondary School. 


January, 2011 to date
USAID TUNAJALI Program supports preventive and treatment of HIV/AIDS in the regions of Morogoro, Dodoma, Singida, Iringa and Njombe in Tanzania. Most of health centers and hospitals working with USAID TUNAJALI Program are in off-grid remote areas. USAID TUNAJALI Program has opted the use of solar photovoltaic technology to supply electricity enabling laboratory examinations and general services.

USAID TUNAJALI Program has already installed a total of 82 solar systems for medical service and 123 solar systems for the staff houses at 53 health facilities owned by Tanzanian Government and Voluntary Agents.

USAID TUNAJALI Program has a plan to install solar system to the additional 7 health facilities.

The work has brought impacts of improving quality of the medical service and staff retention.

Installation of solar photovoltaic systems at Mkomaindo District Hospital

November, 2013-December, 2014
Mkomaindo District Hospital is the health facility for Masasi District. It is connected to the national grid but the electricity availability is neither stable nor reliable. In order to ensure that life is saved, the partner of Masasi District that is Landesamt Enzkreis-Germany, contributed finance to install solar power backup systems for the hospital (4.8kW) and the nursing school library (270kW) and training of 12 solar installers to serve the community of Masasi and surrounding districts.
Scaling up use of solar energy at Lugala Lutheran Hospital
October, 2002 to December, 2014
By the year 2002 Lugala Lutheran Hospital was powered by solar photovoltaic system 1.5kW and old diesel generators. The electricity supply was not reliable and costly.

The planning was done to scale up the solar photovoltaic system and install new fuel efficient diesel generators.

The work resulted scaling up solar photovoltaic systems to 8.5kW supplying electricity for the water pumping, hospital equipment and nursing school. 2 new diesel generators each 45kVA were installed increasing efficiency in the diesel fuel use.

Solar Photovoltaic System for Sisters of Diocese of Mahenge

January, 2013 - March, 2014
Congregation of the sisters of Diocese of Mahenge, Franciscan Sisters of Charity (FSC) has a service station in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, called St. Pio House. The house experienced the problem of power outage from the grid and high operating costs of electricity due to having installation of light of low energy efficiency.

The project was implemented to install solar photovoltaic power backup system 540kW and replacement of tube lights by energy saving lights. Finance was contributed by Missionszentrale Franziskaner.

Other solar systems were installed at St. Klara Convent (lighting), Bennignis Centre (lighting for the girls' dormitories), Mtimbira Sisters' Convent and Priesterium, Biro Sisters' Convent, Sofi Pre-Seminary, Sali Pristerium and Convent, Ruaha Parish Dispensary and Mofu Pristerium-Dispensary-Convent.

Solar Photovoltaic System for Mbingu Health Centre

January, 2012-December, 2012
Franciscan Sisters of Charity runs a health centre that is off-grid at the village of Mbingu in Kilombero District.

In order to improve the quality of health service, a 3.0kW solar photovoltaic system was installed to supply electricity. Further, community awareness raising on the potential of solar photovoltaic technologies and training of the maintenance team were conducted. Finance was contributed by UNDP Tanzania. 

Impact study of solar photovoltaic systems in Mbinga and Tunduru Districts

July-August, 2012
Ensol Tanzania Ltd installed solar photovoltaic systems at 40 dispensaries in Tunduru and Mbinga districts in Ruvuma region, Tanzania.

The impact study was conducted after a year of operation. It was found that the availability of electricity increased the quality of service and service availability. It further saved economy of families as they have no responsibility of purchasing kerosene when they go the to the dispensary in the night.

Training on solar food drying in Malinyi

January - December, 2007
Availability of fruits and vegetable in Malinyi, Ulanga, is seasonal. To ensure the continuous availability of vegetable and fruits throughout a year, women who are most responsible for food preparation at home were trained in solar food drying.