Sunday, 4 December 2022

Biomass Energy

This page presents activities in the area of biomass cooking technologies in which Matthew Matimbwi has been involved.

Secondary Schools in Malinyi Installed with Energy-Efficient Firewood Stoves
August 2021

Matthew Matimbwi through the Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) in cooperation with German partner URBIS Foundation of Bayern implementing the project that contributes to the fight against climate change.

Tanzania is already experiencing adverse negative impacts of climate change like the rising water of Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria.

TAREA and URBIS Foundation are providing institutional efficient cooking stoves to the secondary schools in Malinyi District. Two secondary schools have already received 4 cooking stoves. One stove has a capacity of 200 litres.

The stoves are manufactured locally by Envotec Services Ltd and they have the efficiency of reducing the consumed firewood by more than 50% and enable complete fuel combustion reducing greenhouse gases.

The schools are encouraged to plant trees that will enable sustainable fuelwood supply and play the role of the carbon sink.

The initiatives will contribute to the reversing of progressive climate change.

Biogas digester-Small but beautiful at Mbingu Sisters

December 2018
Franciscan Sisters of Charity-Diocese of Mahenge have installed a biogas digester to produce clean gas from cow dung for cooking at St. Elizabeth Orphanage-Mbingu.
The installation will provide clean cooking energy and reduce deforestation.
Missionszentrale der Franziskaner of Germany provided financial contributions while Matthew Matimbwi provided technical support to the project.

Training of stove producers for Lindi and Mtwara regions
October 2014 to April 2015
Harvesting of fuelwood and wood charcoal is at high rates in the regions of Lindi and Mtwara. One of the interventions is using low biomass fuel-consuming cooking stoves.

The training was conducted to impart principles and workshop practice techniques for producing efficient stoves to 12 stove producers from Lindi and Mtwara regions.

Installation of improved wood stoves at Lugala Lutheran Hospital
January 1996 to June 1996
Lugala Lutheran Hospital underwent major structural restoration in the period of 1994 to the year 1998. One of the works done was to improve the use of biomass energy in the laundry for boiling linen. Two low wood-consuming stoves were installed.
Biogas Project at Tumaini Lutheran Seminary
July 1995 to December 1995
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, Ulanga-Kilombero Diocese, developed a biogas digester to provide biogas for the school kitchen at Tumaini Lutheran Seminary. The digester constructed was of the size of 8m3.