Saturday, 26 January 2019

Wind power

This page presents wind power development works in which Matthew Matimbwi has been involved
Supporting LIFE Academy on the wind power training
January, 2012 to December, 2015
LIFE Academy of Sweden has been training experts of wind power to support the development of renewable energy technologies in the developing countries.

Since in the year 2012, LIFE Academy has been conducting the african regional training in Tanzania.
Installation of wind power backup system at Lutindi Mental Hospital
January, 2010 to December, 2011
Lutindi Mental Hospital is located in the remote area of Korogwe District, Tanzania. It is connected to the national grid, but the supply is not reliable. Lutheran Church that owns the hospital, decided to develop wind power backup system to supply electricity to the hospital when there is no electricity from the grid. Lutindi Mental Hospital installed a turbine of the capacity of 5kW.